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- Short: Use a Commodore64 printer on Amiga.
- Author: Unknown
- Uploader: Mike Erasmus (horror@smartnet.co.za)
- Type: misc/emu
- Inleiding (Afrikaans)
- --------------------
- Iewers tussen al jou rommel in jou buitekamer of iewers op die solder lê
- daar 'n Commodore64 met 'n drukker. Wel, sedert jy jou AMiga gekry het,
- het jy jou C64 weggeskuif. Later in een kas vir 'n jaar of drie. Later,
- baaaaie jare later. vergete. Dis wat in Maart-1989 met my C64 gebeur het
- toe ek my eerste Amiga A500 gekry het.
- Sit die skop terug in jou Commodore64. Jy kan ten minste nog die drukker
- gebruik. Lees hier hoe om dit te doen. Huh??
- Introduction
- ------------
- Loooong ago. Very long ago you had a Commodore64. With a CBM MPS801 or
- Seikosha-Sp180VC printer or whatever. Then you got your Amiga. The
- printer could not be used. Until now.
- Explanation.
- -----------
- In this archive you will find 3 programs, one is to activate the C64
- printer then to start use. Also a printer driver.
- The last program is to transfer files from/to a c64 disk drive via the Amiga
- serial port.
- Requirements:
- -----------
- * Amiga or 100% compatible Amiga.
- * Probably running Kickstart 1.3 (untested on OS2.04+)
- * Special multi-purpose cable. See TheA64Package documetation on Aminet on
- where to get one or surf the web on where to buy such a cable.
- Please note!!!!!!!!!!
- Without that cable you will NOT be able to use this software. Also, I last
- tested it on my A500 back in Nov1993. My cable was *stolen*. So use your
- imagination. However it worked fine and i experienced no trouble at all.
- Some idiot here in Pretoria still have that cable. but where??
- I was unable to get Transfer64 going on OS3.0 on my A1200-030-18Mb.
- Greetings/Groetnis tot later :-))
- ---------------------------
- Mike Erasmus, KatseNova on #amiga
- Pretoria, Suid-Afrika (South Africa) -- 14-Maart-1998.
- All ®Trademarks respected or whatever the mumbo jumbo.